Wednesday 22 July 2009

Maria Lactans the Incredible Miracle

I am presenting this Incredible Miracle at Fete for the Wicked on the hour 1pm to 9pm
That's nine performances in 9 hours. I dont want to spill too much information before hand; but yes it does involve fluids and I am going to be assisted by a couple of my Ex Students from Newport School of Art Media and Design live artist Kieron Da-silva Beckerton (Graduated in 2007) and media artist Glen James Pearce (Graduated in 2008)

Thursday 9 July 2009

Deej Fabyc mothers Beuys

This one is just being a bit playful this where I am at now the project will develop further over Autumn

Well here is the sculpture in development as a mighty fine portrait

Doesn't he look forlorn?
Looking at this image led me to create a life sized rendition of Mr Beuys with which to play out a series of motherly vignettes .... Stay tuned for the film the photos and the performance